Form character count
Help users enter text when there is a limit on the number of characters they can type
How it looks (preview) (preview all)
How to call this component
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/character_count", {
textarea: {
label: {
text: "Can you provide more detail?"
name: "more-detail",
textarea_id: "character-count-89e355b0"
maxlength: 10
} %>
GOV.UK Design System
This component incorporates components from the GOV.UK Design System:
Accessibility acceptance criteria
The component must:
- accept focus
- be focusable with a keyboard
- be usable with a keyboard
- be usable with touch
- indicate when they have focus
- be recognisable as form textarea elements
- have correctly associated labels
- inform the user about the character limit
- inform the user as the number of left characters changes
Labels use the label component.
Other examples
With hint (preview)
Please include as much information as possible.
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/character_count", {
textarea: {
label: {
text: "Can you provide more detail?"
name: "with-hint",
hint: "Please include as much information as possible."
maxlength: 10
} %>
With id for textarea (preview)
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/character_count", {
textarea: {
label: {
text: "What is your quest?"
name: "with-an-id"
id: "custom-id",
maxlength: 10
} %>
With error (preview)
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/character_count", {
textarea: {
label: {
text: "Can you provide more detail?"
name: "more-detail-error",
error_message: "Detail must be 10 characters or less",
value: "221B Baker Street
maxlength: 10
} %>
With word count (preview)
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/character_count", {
textarea: {
label: {
text: "Can you provide more detail?"
name: "more-detail-value"
maxwords: 10
} %>
With threshold (preview)
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/character_count", {
textarea: {
label: {
text: "Can you provide more detail?"
name: "more-detail-with-threshold"
threshold: 75,
maxlength: 20
} %>