1. Collections Component Guide
  2. Form radio button
  3. With hint text on radios
Form radio button example

With hint text on radios

How it looks (preview)

How do you want to sign in?

You'll have a user ID if you've signed up to do things like sign up Self Assessment tax return online.
You'll have an account if you've already proved your identity with a certified company, such as the Post Office.

How to call this example

<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/radio", {
  heading: "How do you want to sign in?",
  name: "radio-group-hint-text",
  items: [
      value: "government-gateway",
      hint_text: "You'll have a user ID if you've signed up to do things like sign up Self Assessment tax return online.",
      text: "Use Government Gateway"
      value: "govuk-verify",
      hint_text: "You'll have an account if you've already proved your identity with a certified company, such as the Post Office.",
      text: "Use GOV.UK Verify"
} %>