Numbers in table headers show column totals. Numbers in table cells show number of lines in files. Note that component test files cannot currently be detected in applications that use minitest instead of Rspec.
Components audit
This application
How to use this information
This page shows information about component use on GOV.UK. This information has been cross referenced with the components in the gem to produce warnings where e.g. JavaScript for a component exists but has not been included in an application.
Warnings should be investigated, although there may be a reason why the application has been configured as it is. Note that 'code' can refer to templates or ruby code.
More information about this application is available by viewing the component guide from a locally running instance of govuk_publishing_components.
Components used
- In templates (30)
- accordion, action link, big number, breadcrumbs, cards, contents list, details, document list, error message, govspeak, heading, hint, image card, input, inverse header, label, lead paragraph, list, machine readable metadata, meta tags, metadata, notice, organisation logo, phase banner, related navigation, share links, signup link, step by step nav, subscription links, translation nav
- In stylesheets (0)
- Uses per page component asset loading
- In javascripts (6)
- accordion, govspeak, image card, intervention, metadata, step by step nav
- In ruby (1)
- govspeak
Component references (1)
This shows instances of `gem-c-` classes found in the application. This could be a style override or hard coded component markup, which is a violation of our principle of component isolation.
Lists what files each component has
Shows which components contain other components
- add another
- error message, fieldset
- attachment
- details
- character count
- error message, hint, label, textarea
- contents list with body
- back to top link, contents list
- contextual breadcrumbs
- breadcrumbs, step by step nav header
- contextual footer
- related navigation
- contextual sidebar
- related navigation, step by step nav, step by step nav related
- cookie banner
- button
- copy to clipboard
- button, error message, hint, input, label
- date input
- error message, fieldset, hint, input, label
- feedback
- button, error message, hint, label, textarea
- fieldset
- error message
- file upload
- error message, hint, label
- govspeak html publication
- govspeak
- input
- error message, hint, label
- label
- hint
- layout for public
- button, cookie banner, cross service header, error message, feedback, hint, label, layout footer, layout super navigation header, phase banner, search, search with autocomplete, skip link, textarea
- layout super navigation header
- search, search with autocomplete
- metadata
- heading
- notice
- govspeak
- option select
- checkboxes
- password input
- hint, label
- radio
- error message, hint, label
- reorderable list
- button, error message, hint, input, label
- search with autocomplete
- search
- select
- error message, heading, hint
- subscription links
- error message, hint, input, label
- table
- error message, hint, input, label
- textarea
- error message, hint, label
Shows which gem components use common helpers
- Brand helper
Used by 7 components
- Component wrapper helper
Used by 76 components
- accordion
- action link
- add another
- attachment
- attachment link
- back link
- back to top link
- big number
- breadcrumbs
- cards
- checkboxes
- contents list
- contents list with body
- contextual breadcrumbs
- contextual footer
- contextual guidance
- contextual sidebar
- cookie banner
- copy to clipboard
- details
- devolved nations
- document list
- emergency banner
- error alert
- error message
- error summary
- feedback
- fieldset
- figure
- glance metric
- global banner
- govspeak
- heading
- hint
- image card
- inset text
- intervention
- inverse header
- label
- layout footer
- layout header
- layout super navigation header
- lead paragraph
- list
- metadata
- modal dialogue
- notice
- option select
- organisation logo
- panel
- password input
- phase banner
- previous and next navigation
- print link
- published dates
- radio
- related navigation
- reorderable list
- search
- secondary navigation
- share links
- signup link
- single page notification button
- skip link
- step by step nav
- step by step nav header
- step by step nav related
- subscription links
- success alert
- summary banner
- summary card
- summary list
- tabs
- textarea
- translation nav
- warning text