Components audit


This application

How to use this information

This page shows information about component use on GOV.UK. This information has been cross referenced with the components in the gem to produce warnings where e.g. JavaScript for a component exists but has not been included in an application.

Warnings should be investigated, although there may be a reason why the application has been configured as it is. Note that 'code' can refer to templates or ruby code.

More information about this application is available by viewing the component guide from a locally running instance of govuk_publishing_components.

Components used

In templates (32)
accordion, action link, big number, breadcrumbs, cards, contents list, details, document list, error message, govspeak, heading, hint, image card, input, intervention, inverse header, label, lead paragraph, list, machine readable metadata, meta tags, metadata, notice, organisation logo, phase banner, related navigation, share links, signup link, step by step nav, subscription links, title, translation nav
In stylesheets (0)
Uses per page component asset loading
In javascripts (7)
accordion, details, govspeak, image card, intervention, metadata, step by step nav
In ruby (1)

Component references (2)

This shows instances of `gem-c-` classes found in the application. This could be a style override or hard coded component markup, which is a violation of our principle of component isolation.

Application components (2)

This is a list of components found in this application. Note that some components may appear to be missing files due to inconsistencies in directory structure and naming conventions.

Component Template 2 CSS 2 Print styles 0 JS 0 Test 2 JS test 0 Helper 2
document navigation list 73 lines of code in document navigation list template 20 lines of code in document navigation list stylesheet 139 lines of code in document navigation list test 44 lines of code in document navigation list helper
taxon list 41 lines of code in taxon list template 15 lines of code in taxon list stylesheet 94 lines of code in taxon list test 18 lines of code in taxon list helper

Component files

Lists what files each component has
Component Template CSS Print styles JS Test JS test Helper
accordion govuk_publishing_components 102 lines of code in accordion template 42 lines of code in accordion stylesheet Yes 181 lines of code in accordion javascript 38 lines of code in accordion helper
action link govuk_publishing_components 74 lines of code in action link template 181 lines of code in action link stylesheet
attachment govuk_publishing_components 131 lines of code in attachment template 86 lines of code in attachment stylesheet 196 lines of code in attachment helper
attachment link govuk_publishing_components 40 lines of code in attachment link template 4 lines of code in attachment link stylesheet
back link govuk_publishing_components 22 lines of code in back link template 2 lines of code in back link stylesheet
big number govuk_publishing_components 47 lines of code in big number template 60 lines of code in big number stylesheet 30 lines of code in big number helper
breadcrumbs govuk_publishing_components 43 lines of code in breadcrumbs template 56 lines of code in breadcrumbs stylesheet 93 lines of code in breadcrumbs helper
button govuk_publishing_components 36 lines of code in button template 114 lines of code in button stylesheet Yes 5 lines of code in button javascript 140 lines of code in button helper
cards govuk_publishing_components 53 lines of code in cards template 126 lines of code in cards stylesheet Yes
character count govuk_publishing_components 28 lines of code in character count template 2 lines of code in character count stylesheet 5 lines of code in character count javascript
checkboxes govuk_publishing_components 65 lines of code in checkboxes template 53 lines of code in checkboxes stylesheet 102 lines of code in checkboxes javascript 108 lines of code in checkboxes helper
contents list govuk_publishing_components 96 lines of code in contents list template 97 lines of code in contents list stylesheet Yes 70 lines of code in contents list helper
contextual breadcrumbs govuk_publishing_components 18 lines of code in contextual breadcrumbs template
contextual footer govuk_publishing_components 12 lines of code in contextual footer template
contextual guidance govuk_publishing_components 28 lines of code in contextual guidance template 51 lines of code in contextual guidance stylesheet 31 lines of code in contextual guidance javascript
contextual sidebar govuk_publishing_components 40 lines of code in contextual sidebar template 48 lines of code in contextual sidebar stylesheet
cookie banner govuk_publishing_components 119 lines of code in cookie banner template 24 lines of code in cookie banner stylesheet Yes 144 lines of code in cookie banner javascript
copy to clipboard govuk_publishing_components 21 lines of code in copy to clipboard template 1 lines of code in copy to clipboard stylesheet 26 lines of code in copy to clipboard javascript
cross service header govuk_publishing_components 19 lines of code in cross service header template 438 lines of code in cross service header stylesheet 78 lines of code in cross service header javascript
date input govuk_publishing_components 86 lines of code in date input template 16 lines of code in date input stylesheet
details govuk_publishing_components 44 lines of code in details template 2 lines of code in details stylesheet 50 lines of code in details javascript
devolved nations govuk_publishing_components 39 lines of code in devolved nations template 12 lines of code in devolved nations stylesheet 53 lines of code in devolved nations helper
document list govuk_publishing_components 142 lines of code in document list template 178 lines of code in document list stylesheet
document navigation list collections 73 lines of code in document navigation list template 20 lines of code in document navigation list stylesheet 139 lines of code in document navigation list test 44 lines of code in document navigation list helper
emergency banner govuk_publishing_components 68 lines of code in emergency banner template 84 lines of code in emergency banner stylesheet Yes 17 lines of code in emergency banner helper
error alert govuk_publishing_components 16 lines of code in error alert template 38 lines of code in error alert stylesheet
error message govuk_publishing_components 18 lines of code in error message template 2 lines of code in error message stylesheet
error summary govuk_publishing_components 49 lines of code in error summary template 7 lines of code in error summary stylesheet 5 lines of code in error summary javascript
feedback govuk_publishing_components 22 lines of code in feedback template 260 lines of code in feedback stylesheet 264 lines of code in feedback javascript
fieldset govuk_publishing_components 50 lines of code in fieldset template 2 lines of code in fieldset stylesheet
file upload govuk_publishing_components 78 lines of code in file upload template 2 lines of code in file upload stylesheet
google tag manager script govuk_publishing_components 16 lines of code in google tag manager script template
govspeak govuk_publishing_components 39 lines of code in govspeak template 120 lines of code in govspeak stylesheet Yes 28 lines of code in govspeak javascript
govspeak html publication govuk_publishing_components 13 lines of code in govspeak html publication template 149 lines of code in govspeak html publication stylesheet Yes
heading govuk_publishing_components 24 lines of code in heading template 47 lines of code in heading stylesheet 38 lines of code in heading helper
hint govuk_publishing_components 18 lines of code in hint template 2 lines of code in hint stylesheet
image card govuk_publishing_components 82 lines of code in image card template 343 lines of code in image card stylesheet 19 lines of code in image card javascript 161 lines of code in image card helper
input govuk_publishing_components 148 lines of code in input template 30 lines of code in input stylesheet
inset text govuk_publishing_components 23 lines of code in inset text template 2 lines of code in inset text stylesheet
intervention govuk_publishing_components 90 lines of code in intervention template 23 lines of code in intervention stylesheet 69 lines of code in intervention javascript 50 lines of code in intervention helper
inverse header govuk_publishing_components 13 lines of code in inverse header template 29 lines of code in inverse header stylesheet
label govuk_publishing_components 35 lines of code in label template 2 lines of code in label stylesheet
layout footer govuk_publishing_components 150 lines of code in layout footer template 22 lines of code in layout footer stylesheet 35 lines of code in layout footer helper
layout for admin govuk_publishing_components 27 lines of code in layout for admin template 1 lines of code in layout for admin stylesheet
layout for public govuk_publishing_components 186 lines of code in layout for public template 60 lines of code in layout for public stylesheet
layout header govuk_publishing_components 65 lines of code in layout header template 169 lines of code in layout header stylesheet 5 lines of code in layout header javascript
layout super navigation header govuk_publishing_components 398 lines of code in layout super navigation header template 992 lines of code in layout super navigation header stylesheet Yes 234 lines of code in layout super navigation header javascript
lead paragraph govuk_publishing_components 16 lines of code in lead paragraph template 14 lines of code in lead paragraph stylesheet
list govuk_publishing_components 31 lines of code in list template
machine readable metadata govuk_publishing_components 32 lines of code in machine readable metadata template
meta tags govuk_publishing_components 5 lines of code in meta tags template
metadata govuk_publishing_components 93 lines of code in metadata template 96 lines of code in metadata stylesheet 27 lines of code in metadata javascript
modal dialogue govuk_publishing_components 26 lines of code in modal dialogue template 150 lines of code in modal dialogue stylesheet 108 lines of code in modal dialogue javascript
notice govuk_publishing_components 51 lines of code in notice template 25 lines of code in notice stylesheet
option select govuk_publishing_components 74 lines of code in option select template 172 lines of code in option select stylesheet 319 lines of code in option select javascript
organisation logo govuk_publishing_components 44 lines of code in organisation logo template 133 lines of code in organisation logo stylesheet 36 lines of code in organisation logo helper
panel govuk_publishing_components 32 lines of code in panel template 21 lines of code in panel stylesheet
phase banner govuk_publishing_components 43 lines of code in phase banner template 28 lines of code in phase banner stylesheet
previous and next navigation govuk_publishing_components 87 lines of code in previous and next navigation template 2 lines of code in previous and next navigation stylesheet
print link govuk_publishing_components 44 lines of code in print link template 56 lines of code in print link stylesheet 16 lines of code in print link javascript
radio govuk_publishing_components 136 lines of code in radio template 6 lines of code in radio stylesheet 5 lines of code in radio javascript
related navigation govuk_publishing_components 50 lines of code in related navigation template 112 lines of code in related navigation stylesheet 211 lines of code in related navigation helper
reorderable list govuk_publishing_components 47 lines of code in reorderable list template 119 lines of code in reorderable list stylesheet 108 lines of code in reorderable list javascript
search govuk_publishing_components 84 lines of code in search template 319 lines of code in search stylesheet
select govuk_publishing_components 42 lines of code in select template 7 lines of code in select stylesheet 85 lines of code in select helper
share links govuk_publishing_components 127 lines of code in share links template 86 lines of code in share links stylesheet
signup link govuk_publishing_components 32 lines of code in signup link template 36 lines of code in signup link stylesheet
single page notification button govuk_publishing_components 37 lines of code in single page notification button template 40 lines of code in single page notification button stylesheet 78 lines of code in single page notification button javascript 88 lines of code in single page notification button helper
skip link govuk_publishing_components 7 lines of code in skip link template 2 lines of code in skip link stylesheet 5 lines of code in skip link javascript
step by step nav govuk_publishing_components 119 lines of code in step by step nav template 546 lines of code in step by step nav stylesheet Yes 537 lines of code in step by step nav javascript 125 lines of code in step by step nav helper
step by step nav header govuk_publishing_components 74 lines of code in step by step nav header template 36 lines of code in step by step nav header stylesheet Yes
step by step nav related govuk_publishing_components 73 lines of code in step by step nav related template 46 lines of code in step by step nav related stylesheet
subscription links govuk_publishing_components 83 lines of code in subscription links template 131 lines of code in subscription links stylesheet 48 lines of code in subscription links helper
success alert govuk_publishing_components 31 lines of code in success alert template 6 lines of code in success alert stylesheet
summary list govuk_publishing_components 137 lines of code in summary list template 53 lines of code in summary list stylesheet
table govuk_publishing_components 80 lines of code in table template 127 lines of code in table stylesheet 52 lines of code in table javascript
tabs govuk_publishing_components 74 lines of code in tabs template 33 lines of code in tabs stylesheet 5 lines of code in tabs javascript
taxon list collections 41 lines of code in taxon list template 15 lines of code in taxon list stylesheet 94 lines of code in taxon list test 18 lines of code in taxon list helper
textarea govuk_publishing_components 83 lines of code in textarea template 28 lines of code in textarea stylesheet Yes
title govuk_publishing_components 42 lines of code in title template 42 lines of code in title stylesheet Yes
translation nav govuk_publishing_components 32 lines of code in translation nav template 55 lines of code in translation nav stylesheet 40 lines of code in translation nav helper
warning text govuk_publishing_components 36 lines of code in warning text template 19 lines of code in warning text stylesheet

Components containing other components

Shows which components contain other components
character count
error message, hint, label, textarea
contextual breadcrumbs
breadcrumbs, step by step nav header
contextual footer
related navigation
contextual sidebar
related navigation, step by step nav, step by step nav related
cookie banner
copy to clipboard
button, error message, hint, input, label
date input
error message, fieldset, hint, input, label
button, error message, hint, input, label, textarea
error message
file upload
error message, hint, label
error message, hint, label
layout for public
button, cookie banner, cross service header, error message, feedback, hint, input, label, layout footer, layout header, layout super navigation header, phase banner, search, skip link, textarea
layout header
option select
error message, hint, label
reorderable list
button, error message, hint, input, label
error message, hint
subscription links
error message, hint, input, label
error message, hint, input, label
error message, hint, label